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Teulada Moraira

Teulada gòtica emmurallada

15 min.
Technical difficulty
0,85 km

The tour starts at the square known as Plaça de La Constitució, next to the Town Hall building which was inaugurated in 1991. From there, head to Plaça de La Creu, which serves as the entrance to the historic central part of the town. The layout of the centre follows the typical urban planning style of the 13th century, known as gòtica de conquesta (Conquest Gothic). In this square, one can see a modernist building from 1903. During the walk, one can see El Portal de La Mar, of which only three noble shields from the 16th and 17th centuries have been preserved. It is also possible to see some Gothic houses on Carrer L'Hostal, featuring rustic stone portals that were later modified into lintel shapes. The architectural style of the Gothic era is also evident in the ornate finishes of windows and balconies, which can also be found in other parts of the historic centre.

In Plaça d'Espanya and Plaça de L'Església, one encounters a complex consisting of the Santa Caterina Màrtir fortress church (16th-17th century) in Renaissance style with Gothic influences, the Abadia house (18th century), and the Divina Pastora hermitage (17th and 18th centuries), featuring a beautiful Renaissance façade. The neoclassical bell tower (19th century) presides over Plaça d'Espanya. In the sqaure called Plaça dels Porxes, one can see Sala de Jurats i Justícies (1620), which was the former seat of the Municipal Government and a trading hall. It now houses the Centre d'Estudis Vicentins and the exhibition "Vida i llegenda d’un predicador". On the main façade, there is a sundial from 1639. The adjacent building was constructed on the site where the house of Saint Vicent Ferrer's sister, Constança, once stood.

Other points to visit along the tour include the former hospital of Sant Martí, now the headquarters of the musical association called Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada; the Sant Vicent Ferrer hermitage (18th century), constructed in neoclassical-baroque style; and the cooperative known as Cooperativa Agrícola Sant Vicent Ferrer, where it is possible to taste the muscatel romà mistela (a liquor made of grape must and alcohol), white wines, sparkling wines, reserves, vermouths, and red wines. (1)

(1) This information was extracted from the Teulada Moraira tourism website.

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