Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

Teulada Moraira

Ermita la Font Santa

The chapel dedicated to Sant Vicent Ferrer is located in the park called Parc de La Font Santa, towards the village named Moraira.

The chapel was built in the middle of the 19th century, but its current appearance is the result of a thorough restoration carried out in 1910 by Josefa Bertomeu, a local resident, and the last major reconstruction took place in 1975.

The façade is rectangular and it houses three spaces inside: the central one is the chapel itself, the right one is the hermit's dwelling with an independent door and a high window, and to the left is the area where the Font Santa (Holy Spring) is located. This space is decorated with a plinth and ceramic tiles depicting the saint. The spring can be seen sprouting over a stone basin on the floor.

The façade ends in a straight cornice adorned with pinnacles and a metal cross. A geometric form above the door encompasses an opening which houses the bell. The entrance to the chapel is through a central doorway protected by a small roof.

The interior of the chapel has a vaulted ceiling decorated with ceramic tiles. Above the altar, the entire front wall is occupied by three niches separated by columns: the central one is the largest and houses the image of Sant Vicent Ferrer, and the lateral ones enclose the images of El Sagrat Cor de Jesús and La Mare de Déu de La Salut.

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