Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

Teulada Moraira

Ermita de la Divina Pastora

La Divina Pastora Chapel is located in the town centre of Teulada, next to the monumental Santa Catalina Màrtir Church.

The date of its foundation remains uncertain, but according to architectural and aesthetic criteria, the Renaissance façade corresponds to the 17th century and the rest of the architecture to the 18th century. The interior pictorial decoration was carried out during the restoration that took place in 1861 and the most recent noteworthy restoration work was carried out in 1986.

On the outside, one comes across a façade built in stone with a semicircular doorway framed by two pilasters. Above the decorated entablature, there is a niche with a triangular pediment that houses a ceramic painting. Over all this rises the belfry with a bell that was cast in 1877 and restored in 2007, which displays an engraving of La Immaculada (the Immaculate Conception).

It has a tiled gable roof from which an octagonal drum-shaped dome rises, also covered by the same tiles and very much displaced towards the foot of the nave.

The interior is small and narrow, divided by pillars into two sections, the first of which is covered with a hemispherical dome and the second with a vaulted ceiling. The adornment shows pictorial motifs of plants and geometric shapes on imitation marble, probably made during the renovations carried out in 1861.

The altar area consists of four columns, an entablature and an attic with a painting of the Infant Jesus as a shepherd boy. In its centre is a niche housing the image of La Divina Pastora on a mantle of flowers under the shade of a tree.

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