Our heritage

Castles and towers

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

Alcalalí / La Llosa de Camatxo / Llíber / Xaló

Castell d'Aixa

The Castle of Aixa, known locally as Castell d’Aixa, is located in the municipality of Alcalalí. From the top of the mountain range known as Serra del Castell de La Solana, one can clearly see the entire valley called La Vall de Pop.

Its construction dates back to the beginning of the 12th century. It was built by the Muslims, but the same rocks and the same summit were also occupied by an earlier culture: the Iberians. These populations always settled in the highest areas of the valleys and, like the Muslims, they sought refuge and protection for their people. Thus, under the ruins of the Castle of Aixa, one can discover an Iberian settlement.

The castle is a masonry construction reinforced with ashlars in the corners. The construction is almost in total ruin. Some sections of the walls can be seen, especially those of the southern part, and, in the precinct, the remains of various houses can also be seen, on top of which the walls of the fortress were built.

The beginning of its fall as a fortification is to be sought in the times of the arrival of the Christians. In fact, in the document of the Pact of Pouet (1244), signed by Jaume I and the Muslim commander Al-Azraq, the castle is no longer mentioned. An explanation of its total destruction is offered by Joan Elies Andrés in the book “Fent camí”. The routes around the Xaló/Gorgos River were probably created at the beginning of the 14th century by the Christians, so as to prevent an uprising of the Moriscos.

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info Alcalalí

info La Llosa de Camatxo

info Llíber

info Xaló

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