Hiking routes

Medium difficulty routes

Don't trade old paths for new ones.
Popular saying


PR-CV 426 Penyó Roig

2 h 0 min.
Technical difficulty
2,30 km
Total elevation gain
492 m

Serra del Penyó is a mountain range in the Marina Alta region that separates the two valleys known as La Vall de Laguar and La Vall de Pop. It runs along a well-defined path, which is quite difficult, due to the great altitude differences during some sections. It is a good choice for those who love views, since the peak offers a spectacular panoramic view of the Xaló riverbed, the mountain range called Serra de Segària, the mountains known as Seguili, Montgó and Carrascar, and the sea.

The route begins in Murla, from where you have to follow the markers of the PR-CV 426 route upwards along Calvari de Murla until you reach the hermitage of Sant Sebastià. From the hermitage you can enjoy some good views framed by large pine trees, which together with the benches make it an ideal place to rest and have a good snack. Continue along the path that climbs up the side of Serra del Penyó. From the hermitage onwards there are sections with quite a lot of vegetation, with parts that are somewhat steep and make the overall climb harder to deal with. This ascent takes you to the cross or Penya del Migdia and, once there, you can contemplate the beautiful views of the village of Murla and the rest of La Vall de Pop. Leave the cross behind you and continue along the path. The last part of the ascent is not difficult and leads you to the peak that precedes Penya Roja. You have to descend a few metres so as to be able to pass between both peaks and go around to the left (along the sunny side) to the southern slope of Penya Roja. In order to finish the route you only have to do the last few metres of the ascent, with easy slopes that lead you to the top. From here, there are wonderful views of the Marina Alta region, as well as views to the west of Aitana or Serrella.


  • Ermita de sant Sebastià.
  • Creu de Murla.
  • Penya del Migdia.
  • Penyó Roig.

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info Murla

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MACMA. Seu Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta

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635 636 023 - xarxaesportiva@macma.org

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