Hiking routes

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Don't trade old paths for new ones.
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La Vall d’Ebo

Passejada etnobotànica La Vall d'Ebo

50 min.
Technical difficulty
1,63 km
Total elevation gain
15 m

With this proposal you will be able to walk around Vall d'Ebo and discover different types of flora depending on each corner. You can also discover all the species planted in the 'Jardí rebrotador El Condoig'. This garden has been planted by the participants of the ethnobotanical route that we did in the Aplec Excursionista last 28th and 29th October, in order to generate a seed bank of autochthonous resprouting species capable of surviving a big fire like the one that took place in Vall d'Ebo in August 2022, which was caused by a lightning strike one night during a dry storm, devastating a total of 13.000 ha.

Our walk starts in the Major street, in front of the fountain square, where we can see the different plants that the locals take care of to decorate the square and where we can find everything from palmettos, rosemary and alfábegas, to petunias and jasmines. From here we will go along Puig street and before reaching the road we will take the path on the right, from there we will be able to observe the river Ebo or Girona and all the species that surround it, such as the xopera, impressive at the entrance of the village, and other riverside species such as the oleander or the cañar, as well as other aquatic plants in the river bed such as the duckweed. We go up Sierra street and before taking Zaragoza street, on the right hand side, we can see some monumental holm oaks in the fields in front of us.

We will then pass in front of the cooperative and go up de les Eres street to the plaça de Benisuai to go down towards Calvario street and the camping area, where we can observe the species that make up the Jardí rebrotador, with varieties of native flora, which you can learn more about by scanning the QR codes that you will find there.

To finish this route, we will return along del Mig street, which will take us back to the Town Hall square.

info La Vall d’Ebo

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