Water routes

Low difficulty routes

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Esnòrquel les Bassetes

Technical difficulty
0,39 km
Total elevation gain
7 m

A circular route lasting 25 minutes, with a depth of around three to four metres, featuring rocky areas with abundant seagrass meadows, scorpion-fish and groupers searching for needles and other small species. Sandy areas alternate with some rocky areas where castanets, saddled bream, and damselfish display their frenetic activity.

The route starts at the steps located in front of the Nautical Club’s restaurant. From there, with an easy swim, one can explore the rock barrier and immediately spot a clean and bustling seagrass bed, which is a true marine lung, with high-quality waters.

Before reaching the tip of the Breakwater (L’Escullera) and turning back, traverse the bottom that contains whimsical and polished rock formations that contribute to an extraordinary brightness. In addition to the mentioned fish species, with a bit of luck one might spot an octopus camouflaged among the rocks. (1)

It boasts several environmental awards:

  • Ecological Walk: ISO 9001-2000, ISO 14001-2004.
  • Nautical Club Les Bassetes: ISO 9001 and 14001, Blue Flag.

Services and activities:

  • Diving, snorkelling, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, hiking, restaurant service, parking, breakwater, flora microreserve.
  • Distance: 0.39 km.
  • Positive elevation: 7 m.
  • Negative elevation: 7 m.
  • Maximum altitude: 13 m.
  • Trail rank: 14.
  • Minimum altitude: 0 m.
  • Type of route: Circular.

(1) Information extracted from the website www.benissa.net.

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