Our heritage

Archaeological sites

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall d’Ebo

Despoblat de Serra

The abandoned village known as Despoblat de Serra is located in the valley called La Vall d'Ebo, near the Serra or Horta spring.

The hamlet of Serra had around 12 houses in the 14th century, until 1609. After the expulsion of the Moors, it was occupied by a dozen Christian families. By the 18th century, only four houses remained, and eventually the hamlet was abandoned completely. Most of the remains that have been found belong to this period.

The current state of the village does not allow for a clear appreciation of defined structures. There are approximately five lines of walls, forming up to four corners, one of which preserves a significant portion of its original height. The predominant construction material is ordinary masonry, with a few traces of ashlar masonry with Moorish-style plasterwork.

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