Hiking routes

Medium difficulty routes

Don't trade old paths for new ones.
Popular saying


SL-CV Camí de Marnes

3 h 10 min.
Technical difficulty
7,88 km
Total elevation gain
372 m

Historically, Cau and Masserof had been a single administrative area, under the jurisdiction of the mediaeval castle of Bernia. The current area of Cau corresponds perhaps to the old farmhouse of Cavuy (pronounced “Càhui”). Very little is known about the Mudejar period, just like little is known about the period before the expulsion of the Moorish population.

Marnes was part of the Cau-Masserof administrative area. It had already been abandoned by the time the expulsion of the Moorish population took place.

The exact historical period in which Marnes began to be repopulated is not known but, from the data available regarding neighbouring Cau, it is probable that it began at the end of the 18th century.

The agricultural expansion that came about with the Majorcan repopulation of 1611 seems to have been fully established by the end of the 17th century. This moment of change and demographic increase facilitated the emergence of scattered settlements in the Marnes and Cau area, which reached a peak during the 18th and 19th centuries. The area specialised itself and concentrated its efforts on generating agricultural farms dedicated to livestock and the cultivation of wheat.

Thus, it is possible to see a specific typology in the area, mainly in Marnes and to a lesser extent in the Cau area, with clear objectives and infrastructures which were necessary in order to be able to lead an autonomous and self-sufficient lifestyle in a remote area that had limited communications, according to Madoz.

The beginning of the path is located near the end of Camí del Dipòsit. During the first 200 metres lies the beginning of the path on the right.

After walking approximately two kilometres, there is a corral and a mountain threshing area. Some 200 metres further on, it is possible to turn right and take the variant that leads to the peak of Morro del Barco (located at 528 metres above sea level) or to follow the path.

Then, during the third kilometre of the route, the trail passes next to the spring known as Font del Cau and a washing place. Afterwards, 200 metres further on, next to a gypsum furnace, take the detour on the right.

At kilometre 3.6 of the route, it is necessary to take another path which must be walked along until the ravine called Barranc del Cau.

At about the seventh kilometre, turn right to take the final section of the route, which leads back to the starting point.

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