Water routes

Low difficulty routes

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Teulada Moraira

Esnòrquel Cala Portixol

Technical difficulty
0,82 km
Total elevation gain
1 m

A rocky cove with crystal-clear waters accessed from the Nautical Club. There is a ramp and stairs that make it comfortable to reach the sea. The recommended route leads to the left. There is immediately a cave to be seen, that is very well-protected from the waves. Continue, with the left wall as a reference point, which presents a seabed of large rock slabs covered with brown algae, shallow in depth, and where groups of fish like silver pomfre and white seabreams come and go incessantly.

As the route moves away from the wall, the rock appears fragmented in a grid-like pattern, forming gaps and crevices that octopuses, blennies, and scorpionfish use as shelters. Then, if one searches at greater depths, it is possible to start to see the white sand that animals use to camouflage themselves, where one may spot hogfish and some wrasse. Additionally, there are rocks that form arches and balconies. Upon reaching a small islet, circumnavigate it before returning to the shore. (1)

(1) Information extracted from the tourist website of Teulada Moraira.

info Teulada Moraira

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